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  1. Buonasera ragazzi. Non ho nessun errore in centralina. Ho un problema con questa auto con ad blue . Quando è arrivata in officina con spia di ad blue lampeggiante c'erano solo 900 km rimanenti Ho fatto il reset con Brian bee azzeramento difetto adblu su regolazioni e si azzerato fermo su 2400 km. Abbiamo pensato che potrebbe essere un problema di serbatoio adblu. Ordiniamo serbatoio nuovo lo montiamo,faccio tutti i regolazioni tramite Brian bee e anche con launch ma non cambia niente. Ci sono altre procedure da fare per adattare questo serbatoio. Grazie
  2. Buongiorno, in questa captur appena si accende il quadro da messaggio " PREVEDE ADBLUE PRIMA DI 2400 KM ", provato a fare il pieno e aspettato qualche giorno ma niente... a qualcuno è già successo ? Ho visto ce un altra discussione di una Megane ma non ce la soluzione
  3. forever..... realtà stiamo scrivendo il nuovo romanzo di Birov Protokolloski.... "i fratelli skribakkinov"😂 scherzi a parte Calogero direi però che avendo quel dato di pressione irreale a key on o quando si arresta solo con il grafico si può ricostruire una logica, con il min max avremmo sempre un "cap" di 3277 oppure il 2400 quando valida dtc su Ducato con edc17cp52 in più di un mezzo i dati del kts sono assurdi ma questa ha la edc16c39 comunque da grafico come dice giustamente Enrico si vede che la pressione è troppo bassa in insorgenza dtc non troppo alta e correlando in logica: pompa immersa nuova con serbatoio pulito filtro nuovo e bassa pressione monitorata pompa di alta pressione nuova sensore di pressione nuovo iniettore accertato critico sui reflussi la logica ovviamente porta a quest'ultimo anche se poi come sempre nel ns mestiere le possibili scivolosissime causali di disturbi elettrici (da centraline aggiuntive, da cablaggio critico, da disturbi sui 5Volt condivisi) non sono da escludere del tutto
  4. Assolutamente si.. i giri non scendono perché il mezzo non si è fermato del tutto, ho riacceso al volo. Ora che me lo dici mi sarei aspettato comunque che i giri arrivassero a zero perché anche se non è necessario fermarsi totalmente per farlo ripartire è necessario un key off (lo ricordo bene perchè una volta senza ragionarci troppo l'ho fatto in curva e si è bloccato lo sterzo :)) Al key on il dato della pressione reale su kts è 3200 e rotti.. oggi se riesco faccio la prova in obd anche se a volte bisogna girare parecchio per farglielo fare. Noto ora che quando si spegne va sui 2400..valori ovviamente poco sensati però il sensore pressione è nuovo e il cablaggio pure..
  5. anche perchè se è stato riscontrato che non ci sono ostruzioni in ingresso e uscita del flusso gas e ammettendo la chiusura totale della egr nuova con il dato oggettivo della massa aria in debito di quasi il 30% rispetto al valore accademico di un 2400 cc rimangono ben poche logiche quindi il misuratore che misura male (ma i sintomi descritti non corrispondono a questa logica d'ipotesi) oppure la parte meccanica ovviamente a partire dalla fase
  6. Buonasera a tutti, il cliente mi ha portato questa opel con problema al livello adblue. Mi ha detto che ormai da 6 mesi lui mette adblue e sul display non cambia il kilometraggio, resta fisso a 2400 km residui. Faccio il pieno, con il computer faccio l'azzeramento del livello e sul mio pc segna 5000 km, ma nel display sempre 2400. che problema può avere secondo voi?
  7. pressione turbo arriva a 2000 bar mentre obiettiva dobrebbe essere 2400. fap non era presente. condotti puliti pressione rail arriva a 1100/1200
  8. Gentili colleghi, ho questa magagna di auto che mi è arrivata da un cliente che l'ha recentemente comprata e a cui hanno sostituito turbina. Con 234000km questa benedetta vettura a volte, su strada, non va più di 3000 g/Min (tirando frizione e accelerando a tavoletta rimane lì) poi, rilasciando pedale acceleratore e ripremendo riparte. In quel frangente fuma nero, ma anche quando sono in tiro. Ho notato anche che non è proprio brillante, come se la turbina prendesse un po' tardi (sopra i 2000giri). Gli interventi che ho effettuato io sono questi: -controllo tubazioni turbina (aspirazione e pressione) -bypass intercooler -esclusione filtro aria -distacco catalizzatore -scorrevolezza geometria variabile -controllo depressione valvola vgt e elettrovalvola di comando e rispettivi tubicini (anche su strada depressione in fase di accelerazione 0,7 bar) -smontaggio ed esclusione EGR -sostituzione MMA -sostituzione filtro gasolio I parametri che ho analizzato sono questi: - MMA al min con EGR chiusa 380/400 mg/s (quando fa difetto non arriva 500 mg/s,) -pressione turbo al min 1009 mbar e 2400/2600 come picco (quando fa il difetto non arriva a 1500 mbar) Non ricordo pressione gasolio onestamente, ma la car parte subito e il motore non "traballa" (però a freddo ho notato che fuma un po' azzurro) Quando ho sostituito MMA ho anche fatto reset centralina e reset parametri autoadattivi con brainbee. Mi hanno detto che su queste vetture è possibile che, con questo tipo di difetto, sia da riprogrammare ECU motore. Voi avete avuto esperienze in merito?? Ah dimenticavo, non ho nessun errore in diagnosi e la macchina non fap.
  9. officina.meccanica

    [Opel Crosslandx 03/19 D15DTH kw88 1499cc Diesel] Livello adblue

    Penso sia un comportamento normale,dato che quest auto dovrebbe condividere stessa architettura di peugeot. Il signore rabbocca sempre adblue senza farlo andare mai in riserva. Come ti ho scritto sopra se la mia tesi è giusta questa se non scende sotto livello dei 2400km da quadro strumenti leggerai sempre 2400 anche con pieno
  10. Nulla, nessuna spia accesa, nessun errore in nessuna centralina, sono 6 mesi che lui viaggia con chilometri residui 2400. Consuma adblue e non scende, fa il pieno adblue e non sale
  11. officina.meccanica

    [Opel Crosslandx 03/19 D15DTH kw88 1499cc Diesel] Livello adblue

    cosa intendi con resta fisso a 2400 km residui? ci sono spie accese o altre anomalie? questa dovrebbe essere uguale a peugeot quindi se l'adblue non va sotto la soglia minima sul display leggi sempre 2400km. quando scende sotto i 2400km dovrebbe accendere spia
  12. Gentili colleghi, dobbiamo fare un preventivo per fare la frizione a questa 159 2400 MJET : siccome l'ultima fatta qui è stato un bagno di sangue, dovendo smontare mezza macchina, voi come fate?Smontate il muso, calate il motore completo, accetto consigli !
  13. 2400 mjet è molto stretto motore nel vano sicuri?
  14. inge

    [Volvo V70 2400 D5]mancamenti poi in recovery

    Saluti a tutti il veicolo in questione già reduce da parecchi interventi in Volvo e ora in riparazione presso un officina che ci sta impazzendo il difetto si manifesta con qualsiasi marcia dalle prove con strumento diagnosi in EOBD appare unb errore P0094 Circ.Carburante piccola perdita parametri associati Prima prova seconda prova terza prova Carico calcolato 99.2% 99.2% 99.% Temp. Motore 88 C 87 c 86 c Press.condotto aspir 198 Kpa 204 Kpa 186Kpa Giri mot Hi-r 2541 2890 2891 Vel Veicolo Lo r 62Km/h 41Km/h 55Km/h Pressione carburante (misura) 0 Kpa 0 Kpa 0 Kpa come si puo notare in tutte i momenti con errore la pressione carburante e a 0 ma in diagnosi con il parametro grafico non mi scende mai se non ad un valore di circa 35000kpa in recovery teniamo presente che dopo l'errore spengo e rriavvio il motore e lei va di nuovo elenco particolari sostituiti Iniettori debimetro regolatore alta pressione regolatore bassa pressione turbina nuova
  15. ciao colleghi difetto (per me )insolito arrivata da altra officina (fiat) dove dopo un classico tagliando provata auto tutto ok (cosi mi riferisce il proprietario) ma dopo rest olio e rest indicazione service si presenta questo problema con la prima prende tutti i giri inserita la seconda taglia ,cioe sale a 2400 giri poi si attesta a 200 giri e circa 30 km orari stessa cosa con terza quarta ecc ho provato a partire di seconda e si presenta stesso problema quindi escluso pedale frizione ecc fatta panoramica nessun errore , unico errore (presente anche prima) lampeggio km causa centr convergenz premetto che è stato controllato e ricontrollato software motore che risulta ori lauto non ha start e stop fatto apprendimento pedale frizione oggi faccio qualche altro controllo chiedevo qualche suggerimento
  16. come da titolo cerco file ori alfa 159 2400 mjet hw edc16 sw 1037390112 grazie
  17. Buona sera, questa e la tabela con la conversione codici guasto With Codes-DTC Conversion Table SAE/ISO VOLVO Designation Fault DTC DTC Fault P0010 ECM-6400 Intake camshaft reset valve Signal too low or signal missing P0011 ECM-640A Camshaft control, intake Faulty signal P0013 ECM-6410 Exhaust camshaft reset valve Signal too low or signal missing P0014 ECM-641A Camshaft control, exhaust Faulty signal P0016 ECM-643A Camshaft position, intake Signal too low P0016 ECM-643A Camshaft position, intake Signal too high P0017 ECM-644A Camshaft position, exhaust Signal too low P0017 ECM-644A Camshaft position, exhaust Signal too high P0030 ECM-2810 Front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), preheating Signal missing. Intermittent fault P0030 ECM-2810 Front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), preheating Signal missing. Permanent fault P0031 ECM-2810 Front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), preheating Signal too low. Intermittent fault P0031 ECM-2810 Front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), preheating Signal too low. Permanent fault P0032 ECM-2810 Front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), Signal too high. preheating Intermittent fault P0032 ECM-2810 Front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), preheating Signal too high. Permanent fault P0036 ECM-2A20 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) bank Signal missing 1, preheating P0037 ECM-2A20 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) bank Signal too low 1, preheating P0038 ECM-2A20 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) bank Signal too high 1, preheating P0040 ECM-280C Front heated oxygen sensors (HO2S) Faulty signal undefined P0050 ECM-2910 Front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) Signal missing preheating, bank 2 P0051 ECM-2910 Front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) Signal too low preheating, bank 2 P0052 ECM-2910 Front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) Signal too high preheating, bank 2 P0056 ECM-2B20 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) bank Signal missing 2, preheating P0057 ECM-2B20 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) bank Signal too low 2, preheating P0058 ECM-2B20 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) bank Signal too high 2, preheating P0071 ECM-1100 Outer temperature sensor Faulty signal P0072 ECM-1100 Outer temperature sensor Signal too low P0073 ECM-1100 Outer temperature sensor Signal too high P0101 ECM-130A Intake air leakage Faulty signal P0102 ECM-1300 Mass air flow (MAF) sensor Flow too low. Intermittent fault P0102 ECM-1300 Mass air flow (MAF) sensor Flow too low. Permanent fault P0103 ECM-1300 Mass air flow (MAF) sensor Flow too high. Intermittent fault P0103 ECM-1300 Mass air flow (MAF) sensor Flow too high. Permanent fault P0105 ECM-1000 Control module Faulty signal P0107 ECM-1000 Control module Signal too high / signal too low. Intermittent fault P0107 ECM-1000 Control module Signal too high / signal too low. Permanent fault P0108 ECM-1000 Control module Signal too high / signal too low. Intermittent fault P0108 ECM-1000 Control module Signal too high / signal too low. Permanent fault P0111 ECM-1200 Intake air temperature (IAT) inlet Faulty signal P0112 ECM-1200 Intake air temperature (IAT) inlet Signal too high. Intermittent fault P0112 ECM-1200 Intake air temperature (IAT) inlet Signal too high. Permanent fault P0113 ECM-1200 Intake air temperature (IAT) inlet Signal too low. Intermittent fault P0113 ECM-1200 Intake air temperature (IAT) inlet Signal too low. Permanent fault P0121 ECM-9150 Throttle unit, potentiometer 1 Faulty signal P0122 ECM-9150 Throttle unit, potentiometer 1 Signal too low P0123 ECM-9150 Throttle unit, potentiometer 1 Signal too high P0128 ECM-201A Thermostat Faulty signal P0130 ECM-280A Front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), faulty signal Signal missing. Intermittent fault P0130 ECM-280A Front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), faulty signal Signal missing. Permanent fault P0132 ECM-280A Front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), Signal too high. faulty signal Intermittent fault P0132 ECM-280A Front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), faulty signal Signal too high. Permanent fault P0133 ECM-280A Front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), faulty signal Signal too low. Intermittent fault P0133 ECM-280A Front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), faulty signal Signal too low. Permanent fault P0134 ECM-280A Front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) Faulty signal. Intermittent fault P0134 ECM-280A Front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) Faulty signal. Permanent fault P0135 ECM-290A Front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), preheating Faulty signal. Intermittent fault P0135 ECM-290A Front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), preheating Faulty signal. Permanent fault P0136 ECM-2A0A Rear heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) Signal missing. Intermittent fault P0136 ECM-2A0A Rear heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) Signal missing. Permanent fault P0137 ECM-2A0A Rear heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) undefined P0138 ECM-2A0A Rear heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) Signal too high. Intermittent fault P0138 ECM-2A0A Rear heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) Signal too high. Permanent fault P0140 ECM-2A1A Rear heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) Signal too low aging P0140 ECM-2A1A Rear heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) Signal too high aging P0140 ECM-2A1A Rear heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) Signal missing aging P0141 ECM-2A2A Rear heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), Faulty signal preheating P0150 ECM-290A Front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), bank 2 Signal missing. Intermittent fault P0150 ECM-290A Front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), bank 2 Signal missing. Permanent fault P0152 ECM-290A Front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), Signal too high bank 2 undefined P0153 ECM-290A Front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), bank 2 Signal too low. Intermittent fault P0153 ECM-290A Front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), bank 2 Signal too low. Permanent fault P0154 ECM-290A Front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), bank 2 Faulty signal. Intermittent fault P0154 ECM-290A Front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), bank 2 Faulty signal. Permanent fault P0155 ECM-2910 Front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), bank 2 Faulty signal. Intermittent preheating fault P0155 ECM-2910 Front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), bank 2 Faulty signal. Permanent preheating fault P0156 ECM-2B0A Rear heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), bank 2 Signal missing. Intermittent fault P0156 ECM-2B0A Rear heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), bank 2 Signal missing. Permanent fault P0157 ECM-2B0A Rear heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), bank 2 undefined P0158 ECM-2B0A Rear heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), bank 2 Signal too high. Intermittent fault P0158 ECM-2B0A Rear heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), bank 2 Signal too high. Permanent fault P0160 ECM-2B1A Rear heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) Signal too low ageing, bank 2 P0160 ECM-2B1A Rear heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) Signal too high ageing, bank 2 P0160 ECM-2B1A Rear heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) Signal missing ageing, bank 2 P0161 ECM-2B2A Rear heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) Faulty signal preheating, bank 2 P1729 ECM-9170 Throttle unit Faulty signal P0201 ECM-2310 Injector 1 Signal missing. Intermittent fault P0201 ECM-2310 Injector 1 Signal missing. Permanent fault P0202 ECM-2320 Injector 2 Signal missing. Intermittent fault P0202 ECM-2320 Injector 2 Signal missing. Permanent fault P0203 ECM-2330 Injector 3 Signal missing. Intermittent fault P0203 ECM-2330 Injector 3 Signal missing. Permanent fault P0204 ECM-2340 Injector 4 Signal missing. Intermittent fault P0204 ECM-2340 Injector 4 Signal missing. Permanent fault P0205 ECM-2350 Injector 5 Signal missing. Intermittent fault P0205 ECM-2350 Injector 5 Signal missing. Permanent fault P0206 ECM-2360 Injector 6 Signal missing. Intermittent fault P0206 ECM-2360 Injector 6 Signal missing. Permanent fault P0221 ECM-9160 Throttle unit, potentiometer 2 Faulty signal P0222 ECM-9160 Throttle unit, potentiometer 2 Signal too low P0223 ECM-9160 Throttle unit, potentiometer 2 Signal too high P0230 ECM-2400 Fuel pump (FP) relay Signal missing. Intermittent fault P0230 ECM-2400 Fuel pump (FP) relay Signal missing. Permanent fault P0231 ECM-2400 Fuel pump (FP) relay Signal too low. Intermittent fault P0231 ECM-2400 Fuel pump (FP) relay Signal too low. Permanent fault P0232 ECM-2400 Fuel pump (FP) relay Signal too high. Intermittent fault P0232 ECM-2400 Fuel pump (FP) relay Signal too high. Permanent fault P0234 ECM-6805 Turbocharger (TC) control valve, Pressure too high boost pressure fault P0235 ECM-1600 Boost pressure sensor Faulty signal P0236 ECM-170F Atmospheric pressure sensor / Faulty signal boost pressure sensor range check P0237 ECM-1600 Boost pressure sensor Signal too low P0238 ECM-1600 Boost pressure sensor Signal too high P0243 ECM-6800 Turbocharger (TC) control valve Signal missing. Intermittent fault P0243 ECM-6800 Turbocharger (TC) control valve Signal missing. Permanent fault P0245 ECM-6800 Turbocharger (TC) control valve Signal too low. Intermittent fault P0245 ECM-6800 Turbocharger (TC) control valve Signal too low. Permanent fault P0246 ECM-6800 Turbocharger (TC) control valve Signal too high. Intermittent fault P0246 ECM-6800 Turbocharger (TC) control valve Signal too high. Permanent fault P0261 ECM-2310 Injector 1 Signal too low. Intermittent fault P0261 ECM-2310 Injector 1 Signal too low. Permanent fault P0262 ECM-2310 Injector 1 Signal too high. Intermittent fault P0262 ECM-2310 Injector 1 Signal too high. Permanent fault P0264 ECM-2320 Injector 2 Signal too low. Intermittent fault P0264 ECM-2320 Injector 2 Signal too low. Permanent fault P0265 ECM-2320 Injector 2 Signal too high. Intermittent fault P0265 ECM-2320 Injector 2 Signal too high. Permanent fault P0267 ECM-2330 Injector 3 Signal too low. Intermittent fault P0267 ECM-2330 Injector 3 Signal too low. Permanent fault P0268 ECM-2330 Injector 3 Signal too high. Intermittent fault P0268 ECM-2330 Injector 3 Signal too high. Permanent fault P0270 ECM-2340 Injector 4 Signal too low. Intermittent fault P0270 ECM-2340 Injector 4 Signal too low. Permanent fault P0271 ECM-2340 Injector 4 Signal too high. Intermittent fault P0271 ECM-2340 Injector 4 Signal too high. Permanent fault P0273 ECM-2350 Injector 5 Signal too low. Intermittent fault P0273 ECM-2350 Injector 5 Signal too low. Permanent fault P0274 ECM-2350 Injector 5 Signal too high. Intermittent fault P0274 ECM-2350 Injector 5 Signal too high. Permanent fault P0276 ECM-2360 Injector 6 Signal too low. Intermittent fault P0276 ECM-2360 Injector 6 Signal too low. Permanent fault P0277 ECM-2360 Injector 6 Signal too high. Intermittent fault P0277 ECM-2360 Injector 6 Signal too high. Permanent fault P0299 ECM-6806 Turbocharger (TC) control valve, Pressure too low flow fault P0300 ECM-3503 Misfire, at least one cylinder Emissions impact / catalytic converter damage P0301 ECM-3513 Misfire cylinder 1 Emissions impact / catalytic converter damage P0302 ECM-3523 Misfire cylinder 2 Emissions impact / catalytic converter damage P0303 ECM-3533 Misfire cylinder 3 Emissions impact / catalytic converter damage P0304 ECM-3543 Misfire cylinder 4 Emissions impact / catalytic converter damage P0305 ECM-3553 Misfire cylinder 5 Emissions impact / catalytic converter damage P0306 ECM-3563 Misfire cylinder 6 Emissions impact / catalytic converter damage P0324 ECM-3400 Knock sensor (KS), test pulse Signal too high / signal too low. Intermittent fault P0324 ECM-3400 Knock sensor (KS), test pulse Signal too high / signal too low. Permanent fault P0324 ECM-34E0 Knock sensor (KS), offset Signal too high / signal too low. Intermittent fault P0324 ECM-34E0 Knock sensor (KS), offset Signal too high / signal too low. Permanent fault P0327 ECM-3410 Knock sensor (KS), front Signal too low. Intermittent fault P0327 ECM-3410 Knock sensor (KS), front Signal too low. Permanent fault P0328 ECM-3410 Knock sensor (KS), front Signal too high. Intermittent fault P0328 ECM-3410 Knock sensor (KS), front Signal too high. Permanent fault P0332 ECM-3420 Knock sensor (KS), rear Signal too low. Intermittent fault P0332 ECM-3420 Knock sensor (KS), rear Signal too low. Permanent fault P0333 ECM-3420 Knock sensor (KS), rear Signal too high. Intermittent fault P0333 ECM-3420 Knock sensor (KS), rear Signal too high. Permanent fault P0335 ECM-5200 Engine speed (RPM) sensor Signal missing P0336 ECM-5200 Engine speed (RPM) sensor Faulty signal P0337 ECM-5200 Engine speed (RPM) sensor Signal too low P0338 ECM-5200 Engine speed (RPM) sensor Signal too high P0340 ECM-3000 Camshaft position (CMP) sensor, intake Faulty signal or signal missing P0342 ECM-3000 Camshaft position (CMP) sensor, intake Signal too low. Intermittent fault P0342 ECM-3000 Camshaft position (CMP) sensor, intake Signal too low. Permanent intakefault P0343 ECM-3000 Camshaft position (CMP) sensor, intake Signal too high. Intermittent fault P0343 ECM-3000 Camshaft position (CMP) sensor, Permanent intake Signal too high. fault P0344 ECM-3000 Camshaft position (CMP) sensor, Faulty signal or signal intakemissing P0345 ECM-3010 Camshaft position (CMP) sensor, Faulty signal or signal exhaustmissing P0347 ECM-3010 Camshaft position (CMP) sensor, Signal too low exhaust P0348 ECM-3010 Camshaft position (CMP) sensor, Signal too high exhaust P0349 ECM-3010 Camshaft position (CMP) sensor, Faulty signal or signal exhaustmissing P0351 ECM-3300 Ignition coil cylinder 1, signal Signal missing. Intermittent fault P0351 ECM-3300 Ignition coil cylinder 1, signal Signal missing. Permanent fault P0352 ECM-3310 Ignition coil cylinder 2, signal Signal missing. Intermittent fault P0352 ECM-3310 Ignition coil cylinder 2, signal Signal missing. Permanent fault P0353 ECM-3320 Ignition coil cylinder 3, signal Signal missing. Intermittent fault P0353 ECM-3320 Ignition coil cylinder 3, signal Signal missing. Permanent fault P0354 ECM-3330 Ignition coil cylinder 4, signal Signal missing. Intermittent fault P0354 ECM-3330 Ignition coil cylinder 4, signal Signal missing. Permanent fault P0355 ECM-3340 Ignition coil cylinder 5, signal Signal missing. Intermittent fault P0355 ECM-3340 Ignition coil cylinder 5, signal Signal missing. Permanent fault P0420 ECM-4801 Three-way catalytic converter (TWC) Intermittent fault efficiency, bank 1 Intermittent fault P0420 ECM-4801 Three-way catalytic converter (TWC) Permanent fault efficiency, bank 1 Permanent fault P0430 ECM-4901 Three-way catalytic converter (TWC) Intermittent fault efficiency, bank 2 Intermittent fault P0430 ECM-4901 Three-way catalytic converter (TWC) Permanent fault efficiency, bank 2 Permanent fault P0443 ECM-4000 Evaporative emission system (EVAP) valve Signal missing. Intermittent fault P0443 ECM-4000 Evaporative emission system (EVAP) valve Signal missing. Permanent valvefault P0444 ECM-4000 Evaporative emission system (EVAP) valve Signal too high. Intermittent fault P0444 ECM-4000 Evaporative emission system (EVAP) valve Signal too high. Permanent valvefault P0445 ECM-4000 Evaporative emission system (EVAP) valve Signal too low. Intermittent fault P0445 ECM-4000 Evaporative emission system (EVAP) valve Signal too low. Permanent valvefault P0446 ECM-4010 Leak diagnostic unit, valve Signal too high P0447 ECM-4010 Leak diagnostic unit, valve Signal missing P0448 ECM-4010 Leak diagnostic unit, valve Signal too low P0455 ECM-400C Fuel tank system, leakage undefined P0456 ECM-400C Fuel tank system, leakage undefined P0457 ECM-4338 Fuel tank filler cap missing undefined P0460 ECM-405C Fuel level sensor undefined P0461 ECM-4050 Fuel level sensor Faulty signal P0462 ECM-4050 Fuel level sensor Signal too low P0463 ECM-4050 Fuel level sensor Signal too high P0464 ECM-4050 Fuel level sensor Signal missing P0480 ECM-6110 Engine cooling fan (FC) relay Signal missing. Intermittent fault P0480 ECM-6110 Engine cooling fan (FC) relay Signal missing. Permanent fault P0483 ECM-6100 Engine cooling fan (FC) control Faulty signal module P0484 ECM-6100 Engine cooling fan (FC) control Faulty signal module P0485 ECM-6100 Engine cooling fan (FC) control Faulty signal module P0496 ECM-4007 Evaporative emission system (EVAP) valve Signal too high P0497 ECM-4007 Evaporative emission system (EVAP) valve Signal too low P0500 ECM-510F Speed signal undefined P0506 ECM-990A Idle air control (IAC) Faulty signal P0507 ECM-990A Idle air control (IAC) Faulty signal P0530 ECM-5000 A/C pressure sensor Signal missing. Intermittent fault P0530 ECM-5000 A/C pressure sensor Signal missing. Permanent fault P0532 ECM-5000 A/C pressure sensor Signal too low. Intermittent fault P0532 ECM-5000 A/C pressure sensor Signal too low. Permanent fault P0533 ECM-5000 A/C pressure sensor Signal too high. Intermittent fault P0533 ECM-5000 A/C pressure sensor Signal too high. Permanent fault P0560 ECM-8010 Battery voltage Faulty signal P0562 ECM-8010 Battery voltage Signal too low P0563 ECM-8010 Battery voltage Signal too high P0564 ECM-928C Control module, communication fault Faulty signal P0571 ECM-9400 Brake pedal sensor Signal missing P0573 ECM-9400 Brake pedal sensor Signal too high P0579 ECM-928C Control module, communication Faulty signal fault P0580 ECM-928C Control module, communication Faulty signal fault P0581 ECM-928C Control module, communication Faulty signal fault P0602 ECM-531D Control module, internal fault undefined P0604 ECM-9050 RAM memory fault Internal fault. Intermittent fault P0604 ECM-9050 RAM memory fault Internal fault. Permanent fault P0605 ECM-9060 ROM memory fault Internal fault. Intermittent fault P0605 ECM-9060 ROM memory fault Internal fault. Permanent fault P0606 ECM-9070 Control module, internal fault Intermittent fault P0606 ECM-9070 Control module, internal fault Permanent fault P0607 ECM-711A Engine control module (ECM), internal fault Signal too high / signal too low. Intermittent fault P0607 ECM-711A Engine control module (ECM), internal fault Signal too high / signal too low. Permanent fault P0630 ECM-720A Immobilizer communication Faulty signal. Intermittent fault P0630 ECM-720A Immobilizer communication Faulty signal. Permanent fault P0638 ECM-91A7 Throttle unit Faulty signal P0634 ECM-716D Engine control module (ECM), high temperature undefined P0642 ECM-8410 Power supply 5 volts Signal too low. Intermittent fault P0642 ECM-8410 Power supply 5 volts Signal too low. Permanent fault P0643 ECM-8410 Power supply 5 volts Signal too high. Intermittent fault P0643 ECM-8410 Power supply 5 volts Signal too high. Permanent fault P0645 ECM-6000 Air conditioning (A/C) relay, signal Signal missing. Intermittent fault P0645 ECM-6000 Air conditioning (A/C) relay, signal Signal missing. Permanent fault P0646 ECM-6000 Air conditioning (A/C) relay, signal Signal too low. Intermittent fault P0646 ECM-6000 Air conditioning (A/C) relay, signal Signal too low. Permanent fault P0647 ECM-6000 Air conditioning (A/C) relay, signal Signal too high. Intermittent fault P0647 ECM-6000 Air conditioning (A/C) relay, signal Signal too high. Permanent fault P0650 ECM-6B00 Malfunction indicator lamp (MIL), Intermittent signal Signal missing. fault P0650 ECM-6B00 Malfunction indicator lamp (MIL), Permanent signal Signal missing. fault P0650 ECM-6B00 Malfunction indicator lamp (MIL), Intermittent signal Signal too low. fault P0650 ECM-6B00 Malfunction indicator lamp (MIL), Permanent signal Signal too low. fault P0650 ECM-6B00 Malfunction indicator lamp (MIL), signal Signal too high. Intermittent fault P0650 ECM-6B00 Malfunction indicator lamp (MIL), Permanent signal Signal too high. fault P0668 ECM-7180 Temperature sensor control module Signal too high / signal too low. Intermittent fault P0668 ECM-7180 Temperature sensor control module Signal too high / signal too low. Permanent fault P0669 ECM-7180 Temperature sensor control module Signal too high / signal too low. Intermittent fault P0669 ECM-7180 Temperature sensor control module Signal too high / signal too low. Permanent fault P0700 ECM-530D Diagnostic trouble code (DTC) in another control module undefined P0727 ECM-3100 Engine speed (RPM) sensor Signal missing. Intermittent fault P0727 ECM-3100 Engine speed (RPM) sensor Signal missing. Permanent fault P0805 ECM-9300 Clutch pedal sensor Faulty signal P0807 ECM-9300 Clutch pedal sensor Signal too low P0808 ECM-9300 Clutch pedal sensor Signal too high P0863 ECM-530B Control module communication undefined P1177 ECM-268A Long-term fuel trim Upper limit P1178 ECM-268A Long-term fuel trim Lower limit P1179 ECM-268A Long-term fuel trim Faulty signal P1187 ECM-278A undefined undefined P1188 ECM-278A undefined undefined P1189 ECM-278A undefined undefined P1234 ECM-6814 Turbocharger (TC) control system Signal too high P1285 ECM-913F Throttle unit Faulty signal P1286 ECM-913C Throttle unit Faulty signal P1287 ECM-913C Throttle unit Faulty signal P1293 ECM-914F Throttle unit Faulty signal P1480 ECM-6100 Engine cooling fan (FC) control module Faulty signal P1481 ECM-6110 Engine cooling fan (FC) relay Signal too low. Intermittent fault P1481 ECM-6110 Engine cooling fan (FC) relay Signal too low. Permanent fault P1482 ECM-6110 Engine cooling fan (FC) relay Signal too high. Intermittent fault P1482 ECM-6110 Engine cooling fan (FC) relay Signal too high. Permanent fault P1526 ECM-980A Engine control module (ECM). Intermittent fault Internal fault P1526 ECM-980A Engine control module (ECM). Permanent fault Internal fault P1554 ECM-801A System relay Faulty signal or signal missing P1555 ECM-801A System relay Faulty signal or signal P1638 ECM-715D Engine control module (ECM) missing, high temperature undefined P1651 ECM-981A Engine control module (ECM). Intermittent fault Internal fault P1651 ECM-981A Engine control module (ECM). Permanent fault Internal fault P1652 ECM-982A Engine control module (ECM). Intermittent fault Internal fault P1652 ECM-982A Engine control module (ECM). Permanent fault Internal fault P1680 ECM-720A Immobilizer communication Signal missing. Intermittent fault P1680 ECM-720A Immobilizer communication Signal missing. Permanent fault P1721 ECM-6220 Control module cooling fan Signal too high P1722 ECM-6220 Control module cooling fan Signal too low P1723 ECM-6220 Control module cooling fan Signal missing P2088 ECM-6400 Intake camshaft reset valve Signal too low or signal missing P2089 ECM-6400 Intake camshaft reset valve Signal too low or signal missing P2090 ECM-6410 Exhaust camshaft reset valve Signal too low or signal missing P2091 ECM-6410 Exhaust camshaft reset valve Signal too low or signal missing P2101 ECM-9100 Engine control module (ECM) Faulty signal P2108 ECM-919A Engine control module (ECM) Faulty signal P2109 ECM-918A Engine control module (ECM). Internal fault Intermittent fault P2109 ECM-918A Engine control module (ECM). Permanent fault Internal fault P2111 ECM-91B7 Throttle unit Faulty signal P2112 ECM-91C7 Throttle unit Faulty signal P2119 ECM-9117 Throttle unit Faulty signal P2121 ECM-9540 Accelerator pedal (AP) position sensor, digital signal Faulty signal P2122 ECM-9530 Accelerator pedal (AP) position Signal too low sensor, digital signal P2123 ECM-9530 Accelerator pedal (AP) position Signal too high sensor, digital signal P2126 ECM-9520 Accelerator pedal (AP) position Faulty signal sensor, analogy signal P2127 ECM-9520 Accelerator pedal (AP) position Signal too low sensor, analogy signal P2128 ECM-9520 Accelerator pedal (AP) position Signal too high sensor, analogy signal P2131 ECM-9400 Brake pedal sensor Faulty signal P2135 ECM-903C Throttle position (TP) sensor Faulty signal P2177 ECM-261A Long-term fuel trim Upper limit P2178 ECM-261A Long-term fuel trim Lower limit P2179 ECM-271A Long-term fuel trim, bank 2 Upper limit P2180 ECM-271A Long-term fuel trim, bank 2 Lower limit P2187 ECM-262A Long-term fuel trim Upper limit P2188 ECM-262A Long-term fuel trim Lower limit P2189 ECM-272A Long-term fuel trim, bank 2 Upper limit P2190 ECM-272A Long-term fuel trim, bank 2 Lower limit P2191 ECM-260A Long-term fuel trim Upper limit P2192 ECM-260A Long-term fuel trim Lower limit P0101 ECM-130A Mass air flow (MAF) sensor Faulty signal P0102 ECM-1300 Mass air flow (MAF) sensor Signal too low P0103 ECM-1300 Mass air flow (MAF) sensor Signal too high P0106 ECM-140A Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor Faulty signal P0107 ECM-1400 Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor Signal too low P0108 ECM-1400 Manifold absolute pressure Signal too high P0111 ECM-120A Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor inlet Faulty signal P0112 ECM-1200 Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor inlet Signal too low P0113 ECM-1200 Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor inlet Signal too high P0116 ECM-200A Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor Faulty signal P0117 ECM-2000 Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor Signal too low P0118 ECM-2000 Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor Signal too high P0120 ECM-950F Accelerator pedal (AP) position sensor Faulty signal P0121 ECM-951F Accelerator pedal (AP) position sensor, internal fault Faulty signal P0122 ECM-9530 Accelerator pedal (AP) position sensor Signal too low P0123 ECM-9530 Accelerator pedal (AP) position sensor Signal too high P0125 ECM-200F Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor Faulty signal P0130 ECM-2120 Front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), guide element Signal too low P0130 ECM-2120 Front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), guide element Signal too high P0131 ECM-2100 Front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) Current too low P0132 ECM-2100 Front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) Current too high P0133 ECM-210A Front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) Faulty signal P0135 ECM-2110 Front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), preheating Signal too low P0135 ECM-2110 Front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), preheating Signal too high P0136 ECM-220A Rear heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) Faulty signal P0137 ECM-2200 Rear heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) Signal too low P0138 ECM-2200 Rear heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) Signal too high P0141 ECM-2210 Rear heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), preheating Signal too low P0141 ECM-2210 Rear heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), preheating Signal too high P0171 ECM-250A Long-term fuel trim Lower limit P0172 ECM-250A Long-term fuel trim Upper limit P0201 ECM-2300 Injector, cylinder 1 Faulty signal P0202 ECM-2310 Injector, cylinder 2 Faulty signal P0203 ECM-2320 Injector, cylinder 3 Faulty signal P0204 ECM-2330 Injector, cylinder 4 Faulty signal P0205 ECM-2340 Injector, cylinder 5 Faulty signal P0220 ECM-9150 Throttle unit, internal fault Faulty signal P0221 ECM-914F Throttle unit, internal fault Faulty signal P0222 ECM-9520 Accelerator pedal (AP) position sensor Signal too low P0222 ECM-9520 Accelerator pedal (AP) position sensor Signal missing P0223 ECM-9520 Accelerator pedal (AP) position sensor Signal too high P0223 ECM-9520 Accelerator pedal (AP) position sensor Faulty signal P0225 ECM-9160 Throttle unit, internal fault Faulty signal P0227 ECM-9540 Power supply, 5 V Signal too low P0228 ECM-9540 Power supply, 5 V Signal too high P0230 ECM-2400 Fuel pump (FP) relay Signal too low P0230 ECM-2400 Fuel pump (FP) relay Signal too high P0301 ECM-3502 Misfiring Cylinder 1 P0302 ECM-3502 Misfiring Cylinder 2 P0303 ECM-3502 Misfiring Cylinder 3 P0304 ECM-3502 Misfiring Cylinder 4 P0305 ECM-3502 Misfiring Cylinder 5 P0326 ECM-340A Knock sensor (KS) Too little roar P0326 ECM-340A Knock sensor (KS) Too much roar P0327 ECM-3400 Knock sensor (KS) Signal too low P0328 ECM-3400 Knock sensor (KS) Signal too high P0335 ECM-3100 Engine speed (RPM) sensor Faulty signal P0339 ECM-310A Engine speed (RPM) sensor Intermittent fault P0340 ECM-3000 Camshaft sensor Faulty signal P0341 ECM-300A Camshaft sensor Faulty signal P0350 ECM-3200 Ignition coil Faulty signal P0351 ECM-3300 Ignition coil, cylinder 1 Faulty signal P0352 ECM-3310 Ignition coil, cylinder 2 Faulty signal P0353 ECM-3320 Ignition coil, cylinder 3 Faulty signal P0354 ECM-3330 Ignition coil, cylinder 4 Faulty signal P0355 ECM-3340 Ignition coil, cylinder 5 Faulty signal P0420 ECM-4201 Catalytic converter power Power deterioration P0440 ECM-4047 Canister purge (CP) valve/EVAP canister shut-off valve Canister purge (CP) valve leakage P0440 ECM-4047 Canister purge (CP) valve/EVAP canister shut-off valve EVAP canister shut-off valve leakage P0440 ECM-4047 Canister purge (CP) valve/EVAP canister shut-off valve EVAP canister shut-off valve clogged P0442 ECM-4308 Leak diagnostic Minor leak P0443 ECM-4000 Canister purge (CP) valve Signal too low P0443 ECM-4000 Canister purge (CP) valve Signal too high P0446 ECM-4010 EVAP canister shut-off valve Faulty signal P0451 ECM-402A Fuel tank pressure sensor Faulty signal P0452 ECM-4020 Fuel tank pressure sensor Signal too low P0452 ECM-4020 Fuel tank pressure sensor Signal too low. Intermittent fault P0453 ECM-4020 Fuel tank pressure sensor Signal too high P0453 ECM-4020 Fuel tank pressure sensor Signal too high. Intermittent fault P0455 ECM-4308 Leak diagnostic Major leak P0463 ECM-4050 Fuel level sensor Faulty signal P0480 ECM-6110 Engine cooling fan (FC) relay, low-speed Signal too low P0480 ECM-6110 Engine cooling fan (FC) relay, low-speed Signal too high P0481 ECM-6120 Engine cooling fan (FC) relay, high-speed Signal too low P0481 ECM-6120 Engine cooling fan (FC) relay, high-speed Signal too high P0500 ECM-510D Speed signal Faulty signal P0505 ECM-6207 Air assisted control valve (AACV) Flow too low P0506 ECM-620A Idle Too little response P0507 ECM-620A Idle Too much response P0531 ECM-500A A/C pressure sensor Faulty signal P0532 ECM-5000 A/C pressure sensor Signal too low P0533 ECM-5000 A/C pressure sensor Signal too high P0560 ECM-820A System relay Faulty signal P0562 ECM-8010 Battery voltage, charging Signal too low P0563 ECM-8010 Battery voltage, charging Signal too high P0571 ECM-941F Brake pedal sensor Faulty signal P0572 ECM-9400 Brake pedal sensor Signal too low P0600 ECM-A00B Communication, transmission control module (TCM) Faulty signal P0600 ECM-A02B Communication, anti-lock brake system module (ABS) Faulty signal P0600 ECM-A03B Communication, central electronic module (CEM) Faulty signal P0600 ECM-E000 Communication, CAN bus off Faulty signal P0600 ECM-E003 Communication, CAN bus Faulty signal P0603 ECM-8000 +30 supply to the control module Open-circuit P0608 ECM-8400 Power supply 5 V Signal too high P0608 ECM-8400 Power supply 5 V Signal too high. Intermittent fault P0645 ECM-6000 Air conditioning (A/C) relay Signal too low P0645 ECM-6000 Air conditioning (A/C) relay Signal too low. Intermittent fault P0645 ECM-6000 Air conditioning (A/C) relay Signal too high P0645 ECM-6000 Air conditioning (A/C) relay Signal too high. Intermittent fault P0805 ECM-9300 Clutch pedal sensor Signal too low P0805 ECM-9300 Clutch pedal sensor Signal too high P0806 ECM-921F Clutch pedal sensor Faulty signal P1111 ECM-110A Outer temperature sensor Faulty signal P1112 ECM-1100 Outer temperature sensor Signal too low P1112 ECM-1100 Outer temperature sensor Signal too low. Intermittent fault P1113 ECM-1100 Outer temperature sensor Signal too high P1113 ECM-1100 Outer temperature sensor Signal too high. Intermittent fault P1115 ECM-100A Engine control module (ECM), internal fault Faulty signal P1116 ECM-1000 Engine control module (ECM), internal fault Signal too low P1116 ECM-1000 Engine control module (ECM), internal fault Signal too low. Intermittent fault P1117 ECM-1000 Engine control module (ECM), internal fault Signal too high P1117 ECM-1000 Engine control module (ECM), internal fault Signal too high. Intermittent fault P1118 ECM-150A Mass air flow (MAF) sensor Upper limit P1119 ECM-150A Mass air flow (MAF) sensor Lower limit P1169 ECM-D00E Front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) Faulty signal P1336 ECM-5200 Starter motor Signal too low P1336 ECM-5200 Starter motor Signal too high P1513 ECM-9400 Brake pedal sensor Faulty signal P1525 ECM-91DF Stop lamp switch Faulty signal P1528 ECM-91CF Engine control module (ECM), internal fault Faulty signal P1560 ECM-9200 Cruise control Signal too high P1560 ECM-9200 Cruise control Faulty signal P1562 ECM-9200 Cruise control Signal too high P1562 ECM-9200 Cruise control Faulty signal P1600 ECM-9190 Throttle unit, internal fault Faulty signal P1601 ECM-91F0 Throttle unit, internal fault Faulty signal P1602 ECM-91B7 Throttle unit, internal fault Faulty signal P1603 ECM-91A7 Throttle unit, internal fault Faulty signal P1604 ECM-910E Throttle unit, internal fault Faulty signal P1605 ECM-911A Throttle unit communication Faulty signal P1606 ECM-912A Engine control module (ECM) communication Faulty signal P1607 ECM-91E0 Battery voltage Faulty signal P1608 ECM-903F Throttle unit, internal fault Faulty signal P1610 ECM-903F Throttle unit, internal fault Faulty signal P1611 ECM-902A Throttle unit communication Faulty signal P1612 ECM-902B Throttle unit communication Faulty signal P1613 ECM-902B Throttle unit communication Faulty signal P1614 ECM-913F Engine control module (ECM), internal fault Faulty signal P1615 ECM-900E Engine control module (ECM), internal fault Faulty signal 1 P1615 ECM-900E Engine control module (ECM), internal fault Faulty signal 2 P1615 ECM-900E Engine control module (ECM), internal fault Faulty signal 3 P1615 ECM-900E Engine control module (ECM), internal fault Faulty signal 4 P1615 ECM-900E Engine control module (ECM), internal fault Faulty signal 5 P1615 ECM-900E Engine control module (ECM), internal fault Faulty signal 6 P1615 ECM-900E Engine control module (ECM), internal fault Faulty signal 7 P1615 ECM-900E Engine control module (ECM), internal fault Faulty signal 8 P1615 ECM-900E Engine control module (ECM), internal fault Faulty signal 9 P1615 ECM-900E Engine control module (ECM), internal fault Faulty signal 10 P1615 ECM-900E Engine control module (ECM), internal fault Faulty signal 11 P1615 ECM-900E Engine control module (ECM), internal fault Faulty signal 12 P1618 ECM-530D Diagnostic trouble code (DTC) in the transmission control module (TCM) Faulty signal P1619 ECM-531D Diagnostic trouble code (DTC) in the combined instrument panel Faulty signal P1620 ECM-532D MIL requested by the throttle unit Faulty signal P1621 ECM-710A CAN communication Faulty signal P1622 ECM-7110 Engine control module (ECM), internal fault Faulty signal P1623 ECM-7120 Engine control module (ECM), internal fault Faulty signal P1628 ECM-901A Engine control module (ECM) communication Faulty signal P1629 ECM-901A Engine control module (ECM) communication Faulty signal P1635 ECM-7140 Engine control module (ECM), internal fault Signal too low P1635 ECM-7140 Engine control module (ECM), internal fault Signal too low. Intermittent fault P1636 ECM-7140 Engine control module (ECM), internal fault Signal too high P1636 ECM-7140 Engine control module (ECM), internal fault Signal too high. Intermittent fault P1637 ECM-715D Engine control module (ECM) High temperature P1638 ECM-716D Engine control module (ECM) High temperature P1651 ECM-980F Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor Faulty signal 12 P1657 ECM-6300 Electronic throttle system (ETS) warning lamp Signal too low P1658 ECM-6310 Electronic throttle system (ETS) warning lamp Signal too high P1660 ECM-922A Cruise control Faulty signal P1661 ECM-922A Cruise control Faulty signal P1662 ECM-922A Cruise control Faulty signal P1663 ECM-922A Cruise control Faulty signal P1670 ECM-720A Immobilizer communication Faulty VIN code P1670 ECM-720A Immobilizer communication Faulty communication P1670 ECM-720A Immobilizer communication No communication P1671 ECM-6400 Camshaft reset valve Signal too low P1671 ECM-6400 Camshaft reset valve Signal too high P1672 ECM-640A Camshaft reset valve Faulty signal Questa e la tabella codici guasto per la Volvo S70, V70, XC70, XC90, S60, ... Spero che sara di aiuto , Buon lavoro a tutti, Nello
  18. Ciao a tutti qualcuno sa dirmi dove' posizionato il sensore angolo imbardata sulla Croma 2400 del 2006 possibilmente anche il numero di ricambio per poterlo ordinare
  19. buon giorno, questo furgone ogni tanto si spegne in marcia qualche volta riparte subito, qualche volta viene trainato fino a diagnosi con tester ford P1665 pompa iniezione carburante comunicazione P0216 controllo fase iniezione carburante funzionamento difettoso.allentando,quando non parte un raccordo su iniettore la pressione è poca, quando parte è tanta. ho usato strumento ford gentilmente dato da un collega, poichè con marelli non entro e con reflex è poco chiaro.tolgo la pompa?
  20. salve a tutti sono un nuovo arrivato, ho una (A6 benzina 6 cilindri2400 cc anno 1999 tipo motore AJR) che non sente una bancata se vi e" capitato di mettere in fase le catene delle 4 cams e le differenze tra le due valvole che tendono le catene
  21. Ciao a tutti,vi chiedo un parere sul volano bi-massa del jtd dovendo sostituire la frizione ad una lancia lybra,non strappa nemmeno se sollecitata e non slitta,la devo sostituire solo per il solito problema che e' dura da premere.L'auto in questione ha 180 mila km autostradali ho sentito parecchi pareri discordanti molti dicono che se non strappa va bene in effetti sui volani del jtd non mi e' mai capitato di vederne uno rotto(sara' un caso)mi e' capitato solo su focus e peugeot 306hdi.Ovvio che sarebbe piu' sicuro sostituirlo ma ho sentito anche parlare di uno strumento che ne controlla il gioco.Grazie in anticipo x il vs aiuto.
  22. marioprinz

    [Volvo v70 2400 jtd] Taglia in accelerazione

    salve sono mario , ho una volvo v70 , per i primi 3km va bene , poi se ne scende di potenza e si ferma a 3 mila giri, ho provato gli iniettori con i tubicini di ritorno, e sono tutti sballati, puo essere che sono gli iniettori a farmi questo difetto? grazie
  23. piter

    [Alfa 156 2400 jtd '02]cigolio cinghia servizi

    il cliente lamentava il classico cigolio della cinghia servizi anche se la cinghia sembrava ok l'ho sostituita ugualmente ma dopo circa 1000 km fatto in un botto solo il cigolio è tornato (ha preso anche un temporale durante il viaggio) voi come vi comportate in questi casi?
  24. il cliente lamenta battiti alla ruota ant dx quando prende i buchi e soprattutto a freddo cigolii vari priovenienti dalle ruote davanti.... ho dato un'occjhiata veloce ai braccetti sup e inf ma le testine sembrano ok le biellette barra stab pure.... poi aveva fretta e me la riporterà... a qualcuno di voi è gia capitata cosa simile grazie
  25. Salve a tutti, Ho una Renault Megane 4 in officina con la spia "prevedere AdBlue prima di 2400 km" nonostante il serbatoio dell'AdBlue sia completamente pieno. In centralina motore e nella centralina dedicata all'AdBlue non ho nessun guasto e apparentemente sembra tutto ok. E' capitato a qualcuno un'anomalia cosi? Come l'avete risolta? Un saluto a tutto il grupo :oO: :oO:
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